October 2, 2007

Macam-Macam Tepung

Tepung beras - Rice flour

Tepung gandum - Wheat flour

Tepung jagung - Corn flour/ corn meal

Tepung kanji - Starch (Tapioca starch, Corn starch, or Sago starch)

Tepung ketan - Sweet rice flour or Glutinous rice flour

Tepung maizena - Corn starch flour

Tepung sagu - Sago starch flour

Tepung singkong - Cassava (tapioca) starch flour

Tepung terigu - All purpose flour

Tepung terigu protein rendah - Low gluten flour (Cake flour or Pastry flour)

Tepung terigu protein tinggi - High gluten flour (Bread flour)

Useful website:
"Flour" from Wikipedia
Kitchen Dictionary: Flour

Potato flour cannot be used to substitute other type of flours because despite its name, potato flour is a type of starch.

Including in the starch family:
Corn starch, tapioca (cassava) starch flour, sago starch flour, potato flour