1 Hot Milk Sponge Cake recipe, substitute 1/3cup flour with 1/3 unsweetened cocoa powder + 5 tbsp Baileys
2 cups heavy whipping cream + enough sugar (about 1/3 cup) + 2 tbsp Baileys
Preheat oven to 375F. Line 2 round pans with parchment paper. Follow the recipe.
Whip cream, sugar, and Baileys until soft peaks formed. Spread whipped cream batter onto each layer. Spread the leftover whipped cream around the cake. Sprinkled with confectioner's sugar. Served with strawberry.
1 resep Hot Milk Sponge Cake tapi ganti 1/3 cup dengan chocolate powder + 5 sdm Baileys
2 cup heavy whipping cream + gula secukupnya + 2 sdm Baileys
Cara memasak:
-Setelah kue dingin, belah dua kalau memakai satu loyang atau tumpuk 2 kalau memakai 2 loyang
-Kocok heavy cream + gula + Baileys
-Oleskan heavy cream disatu bagian, susun bagian kue yg satunya diatas.
-Oleskan heavy cream disekeliling kue
-Taburi powder sugar
-Sajikan dengan strawberry